Clean litter in seconds with the Moderna Lift-to-Sift cat litter tray. This sift litter tray is ideal for cat�owners who love the�idea of scoop free cleaning. Available in two sizes, large and jumbo, to suit your cats needs. The�slotted holes in the sifting pan are designed to allow the�clean�litter�granules to fall through them, but detain the waste and clumps in the pan for easy disposal.�The�scatter guard�provides extra height, which is ideal�for cats that love to dig and flick litter.
The�Moderna Lift-to-Sift litter tray�has�been designed to work with various types of clumping litter�with suitable�size and weight�of particle. The sifting holes are approx 5mm wide and vary in length from 15mm to 65mm. Wood and paper based�litters�are not suitable�as the particles are too large or lightweight to pass through the sifter. Michu�Tofu Natural Clumping Cat Litter is a good choice for this litter tray as well as�a large variety of other clumping litters on the market. As a large variety of clumping litters are suitable, you�have the flexibility to choose one to�suit your cats and your budget.